1 2 3…Breakouts Free

Hi everyone !

it’s been a long time since i’ve blogged here but i have my reasons. I’m working on different projects and one of them is writing articles for Shopperlottie.

It’s a digital magazine created by and contributed to by bloggers.

I was really excited to start this journey with them and i can feel more motivated to pursue a blogging career.

So without delay, here’s my first article. I hope you’ll enjoy it !

I’ll put the link, if you want to check it on the website : 1 2 3 Breakouts Free

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Hello Everyone,

I know that like the majority of girls have a breakouts problems. It’s mainly caused by an Junk food, stress (work or school), period or an unhealthy skin.

I’m working 8 to 9 hours a day and sometimes i only want to crash on bed with my makeup on or use wipes without cleaning my face afterwards. Then i started to have breakouts a bit often than usual

So today, i’m going to share my routine which until now really helped me reduce my breakouts.

I only need 3 steps to do that :

1- Remove IMG_2541my make up :

For that, i use my NaturGreen virgin cococut oil. Just a small aIMG_2540mout can remove all the make up, even if it’s waterproof. After massaging my face, i clean it with a warm towel.

2-Cleansing :

Cleansing is a major step for a clear skin. It helps breaking down the make-up and getting rid any residues that can clog the pores. Don’t forget to get a cleanser that suits your skin type.

IMG_2543In my case, i use Clinique liquid facial soap extra-mild and it worked wonders for my skin. I don’t need to scrub hard, i just tend to distribute the product on the zones i need to be cleaned and then rinse it several times with lukewarm water.

3-Toning & moisturizing :

Now the last steps ! After cleansing my skin, i tone it with my Byphasse Face soft toner loti
on which had rosewater and is alcohol free. So, it’s is totally gentle on the skin.

After that, my skin is ready to get hydrated. I take a small amount of my coconut oil and i warm it in my palms and then i spread it all over my face. As i read recently on NoSkinProblems.com, Coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. oil kills germs and bacteria and it has for skin acne a regenerating and clarifying properties.

That was my routine for a clear skin. I hope you liked it !

You can find me on Instagram & Twitter.

See you !

Cosmic J

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